Sunday, June 21, 2015

Is Cut motion equivalent to No Confidence motion?

Q. A Cut motion if passed, leads to no-confidence automatically or only want of parliamentary confidence...?
Rules of transaction of parliament does not mention about automatic loss of confidence. Then how can we say that Cut motion if passed leads to no-confidence...?

When cut motion is passed it shows that the govt is not able to muster majority in its policies. So its strength is questioned. But still a separate 'no confidence' is to be moved.

Sir... so automatically no-confidence is not proved and govt doesn't have to resign after the passage of cut motion

It need not. But then nobody will sit quiet and watch. .immediately opposition will move NC. And of the CM or PM continues after cut motion then he will be the most shameless!
There is no rule that govt has to resign. But all govts have resigned so far.
The word 'resign' means that is voluntary.
So to force it, you need a seperate NC motion. Get it?

Resigned even before no-confidence motion was passes...?
Yes. All of them do.
It's like: when the heart stops you die. But still there is doubt, the doc pronounces it!

Got that Sir... But the stmt... "If passed, is equivalent to no-confidence motion " is FALSE?
No. Is right.

It's is not equal but equivalent

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