Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Brain mapping vs. Article 20 of constitution

Sir 20th question
Sir isn't brain mapping done with the concurrence of the accused?
Then how can it violate article 20 (3) as they are not forced to give self-incriminating evidence?
Now, read the articles that you quite
Sir according to it the accused can't be forced to be a witness against himself
What does brain mapping involve? procedure?
Brain mapping involves studying the anatomy of the brain and its functioning sir.
Sir, I think for lie detector test and brain mapping police should take permission from judge. Am I right ?
It can only happen with the consent of the accused.
Am I right ?
However, the court can also order in pursuit of truth a lie detection test
In any case, a brain mapping brings out the inner recesses of a person's memory
Scientifically, not very sound yet
And the act is involuntary
In a way, the person is forced to reveal the secrets that he would not normally have done
Sir I was thinking if it violates any fundamental right it would be article 21 (right to privacy) rather than 20 as it's done with his consent
So Article 20 also makes sense in a stretch
Consent vs. involuntary expose
So as it's an involuntary expose despite the consent it violates 20
Sir how?
Or isn't the convicts consent mandatory which is why the violation of 20
On May 5, 2010 the Supreme Court in India (Smt. Selvi vs. State of Karnataka) declared brain mapping, lie detector tests and narco-analysis to be unconstitutional, violating Article 20 (3) of Fundamental Rights. These techniques cannot be conducted forcefully on any individual and requires consent for the same. When they are conducted with consent, the material so obtained is regarded as evidence during trial of cases according to Section 27 of the Evidence Act
Sir, according to this it does not violate if consent is taken....and the question doesn't clearly specify if consent was taken....so can we presume it wasn't taken?
That is what we discussed now
Consent vs involuntary expose which becomes evidence against the accused

He becomes a witness against himself!

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