Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Problem Areas while attempting Prelims

I personally am still not getting 60 precisely correct answers. And rely on guesses too often.
If you guys are not able to get 60 clear, that means you have topics in which u are weak!
So, discuss them well.
Then u should check why u are not getting 60 right!!
Sir not having revised the portions is one of the reasons in my case
Yes, it does affect the quality of answers!

3 Issues to be taken care of:
1. You don’t sleep well at night, wake up late. Your brain takes time to get back to his max efficiency, which could be evening or post 10pm. So, it makes mistakes, on questions that you know.
2. A deep rooted fear that you are not actually as good as the UPSC wants! That makes you make mistakes.
3. The prep has not been good. Lack of confidence. That also makes you make mistakes.

You need to attend all these 3 issues.

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