Q 1. How do I concentrate? At times, I find it difficult.
This question should have been dealt long ago. But still, better late than never.
All of us have more or less equal amount of power to concentrate, which is good enough to clear Civil Service Exam (CSE). However, the rider is that we can concentrate only if the issue in question is of priority not only to our conscious mind, but also to our subconscious mind.
If something is not a priority to our subconscious mind, then it is difficult to focus and concentrate on that issue. Your effort will yield sub-optimal results.
How to check whether CSE is a priority in your sub conscious mind also? The first priority of the subconscious mind is survival. Second comes surrogate for survival, like doing something that will give you a feeling of permanency to your name in the world, or those things connected with reproduction and that results in ensuring the best of the offspring. All other issues come down lower in the priority. Now, where does CSE come in this?
If you are able to connect civil service to this first priority, then you have succeeded in ensuring proper focus and concentration. This will make you feel passionate about civil service and you will behave like most possessed. Even the second priority is ok!
But, if you are not able to connect your civil service dream with this, then your conscious mind will have the desire, but will not be fully supported by your subconscious mind. For example, if you are doing civil service to satisfy your parents etc. then you will find this concentration problem.
At the same time, please note that even” proving your point to others’ is also connected to the first priority in your subconscious mind, because when you want to prove a point, you basically wanted to that you are a successful survivor compared to others.
Hope you all got what I am trying to say.
So, please take time to sit alone and think. When you are appearing for CSE, you must have a very strong reason i.e. to connect to your survival or surrogate survival. Only such strong reason will fire your passion. Your mind should think about it 24x7. You should be like possessed! This is the only solution for a good concentration.
Q 2. I get demotivated easily when I do not reach the target. What should I do?
This is a very common problem faced by almost all. When you do not reach the target, you feel like a loser and that reduces your confidence. How to avoid it? There are 3 ways to avoid this;
1) To keep a buffer so that if you could not complete whatever you wanted to do in a week, this can be completed on the next day. I used to complete anything not done in the week on Sunday, at times clocking 18 hours.
2) When the goal is set, it shall be a realistic one. If a RAG class goal is a much higher goal than what you can achieve is set, then it should be immediately taken up with the team mentor, and set a comfortable goal for yourself with TM permission.
3) Avoid doing research on any topic. Refer to a single source and may be one more source.
If you are following these 3, then you will NOT get demotivated.
Q3. How can I easily remember dates and events?
Definitely memorizing is not an answer. The best way is to connect what you read with what you want you want to know clearly. I have explained this elsewhere too. For e.g., the house you leave, the street where you walk or the college or the school, etc., are all imprinted in the mind strongly. Now, anything connected to this will also be remembered easily. Indeed many a times, you will find that you walk in the right way back to home, even when you are absent minded! This is how our brain works!
It appears the brain stores memory in a few patterns. Dr. Edward D. Bono says that the memory surface of the brain can be compared to a huge surface made of clay and the memory from the senses can be compared to the rain falling on the clay on the mixed patterns.
Memory also seems to work in the same manner. Like, when there is sensory input, such input falls as the rain on clay surface and forms patters. And when you want to retrieve the information, it appears to follow the ‘flow’ of the current in those ‘rills’. For e.g., if you have been listening to a particular song from a CD, and if I ask you, which song is next to song X, you can’t answer! But, if I play song X, then before it ends, you immediately get what songs comes next! That is because, the ‘current’ flows in the ‘rills’ you seem to know the ‘path’!
Hence, one way of remembering the information is to connect the information with the existing pattern. It may be a map, picture, structure, room, or anything, which can be easily remembered as a pattern.
So, best way to remember is to connect with well known ‘rills’ and thus remember in a sequential manner. If you have still any doubts you may ask. (This theory is not proved scientifically. But, I do belief in this!)
This question should have been dealt long ago. But still, better late than never.
All of us have more or less equal amount of power to concentrate, which is good enough to clear Civil Service Exam (CSE). However, the rider is that we can concentrate only if the issue in question is of priority not only to our conscious mind, but also to our subconscious mind.
If something is not a priority to our subconscious mind, then it is difficult to focus and concentrate on that issue. Your effort will yield sub-optimal results.
How to check whether CSE is a priority in your sub conscious mind also? The first priority of the subconscious mind is survival. Second comes surrogate for survival, like doing something that will give you a feeling of permanency to your name in the world, or those things connected with reproduction and that results in ensuring the best of the offspring. All other issues come down lower in the priority. Now, where does CSE come in this?
If you are able to connect civil service to this first priority, then you have succeeded in ensuring proper focus and concentration. This will make you feel passionate about civil service and you will behave like most possessed. Even the second priority is ok!
But, if you are not able to connect your civil service dream with this, then your conscious mind will have the desire, but will not be fully supported by your subconscious mind. For example, if you are doing civil service to satisfy your parents etc. then you will find this concentration problem.
At the same time, please note that even” proving your point to others’ is also connected to the first priority in your subconscious mind, because when you want to prove a point, you basically wanted to that you are a successful survivor compared to others.
Hope you all got what I am trying to say.
So, please take time to sit alone and think. When you are appearing for CSE, you must have a very strong reason i.e. to connect to your survival or surrogate survival. Only such strong reason will fire your passion. Your mind should think about it 24x7. You should be like possessed! This is the only solution for a good concentration.
Q 2. I get demotivated easily when I do not reach the target. What should I do?
This is a very common problem faced by almost all. When you do not reach the target, you feel like a loser and that reduces your confidence. How to avoid it? There are 3 ways to avoid this;
1) To keep a buffer so that if you could not complete whatever you wanted to do in a week, this can be completed on the next day. I used to complete anything not done in the week on Sunday, at times clocking 18 hours.
2) When the goal is set, it shall be a realistic one. If a RAG class goal is a much higher goal than what you can achieve is set, then it should be immediately taken up with the team mentor, and set a comfortable goal for yourself with TM permission.
3) Avoid doing research on any topic. Refer to a single source and may be one more source.
If you are following these 3, then you will NOT get demotivated.
Q3. How can I easily remember dates and events?
Definitely memorizing is not an answer. The best way is to connect what you read with what you want you want to know clearly. I have explained this elsewhere too. For e.g., the house you leave, the street where you walk or the college or the school, etc., are all imprinted in the mind strongly. Now, anything connected to this will also be remembered easily. Indeed many a times, you will find that you walk in the right way back to home, even when you are absent minded! This is how our brain works!
It appears the brain stores memory in a few patterns. Dr. Edward D. Bono says that the memory surface of the brain can be compared to a huge surface made of clay and the memory from the senses can be compared to the rain falling on the clay on the mixed patterns.
Memory also seems to work in the same manner. Like, when there is sensory input, such input falls as the rain on clay surface and forms patters. And when you want to retrieve the information, it appears to follow the ‘flow’ of the current in those ‘rills’. For e.g., if you have been listening to a particular song from a CD, and if I ask you, which song is next to song X, you can’t answer! But, if I play song X, then before it ends, you immediately get what songs comes next! That is because, the ‘current’ flows in the ‘rills’ you seem to know the ‘path’!
Hence, one way of remembering the information is to connect the information with the existing pattern. It may be a map, picture, structure, room, or anything, which can be easily remembered as a pattern.
So, best way to remember is to connect with well known ‘rills’ and thus remember in a sequential manner. If you have still any doubts you may ask. (This theory is not proved scientifically. But, I do belief in this!)
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