#1: Why the Rafale deal, even though manufactured by
Dassault, a private manufacturer- is touted to be a G2G deal?
#2: ""Rafale deal shouldn’t have gone through a
global tender in the first place""- Defence Minister. What benefits
will bypassing the MMRCA deal which shortlisted Dassault as lowest bidder,
bring to our defence imports? Wasn't the process of tendering which was
followed earlier- crucial in making sure our import cost was the least?
#3: Can FDI liberalization be applied as one-size-fits-all
solution for opening up an hitherto investment starved sector and spurt growth,
irrespective of the peculiarities of each sector? Taking an example of FDI in
Defence, please help us understand the limitations of FDI as a tool for
self-reliance and indigenization."
#1: Why the Rafale deal, even though manufactured by
Dassault, a private manufacturer- is touted to be a G2G deal?
the deal is between government to government, this is termed as a g to g deal
say BHEL makes ordnance and our govt enters into a deal with some other country
even if BHEL is a public sector undertaking, it will be a g to g deal.
Alternately BHEL can win a tender
deal is between the govt of both countries as the govt of france is openly
negotiating on behalf of Dassault
how is it different if say- GoI and
Dassault would have had a similar deal?
is not possible within the legal framework.
french govt is not involved, then it will NOT be g2g. It will be between govt and
private and thru tender process.
sir, you mean government and private
agencies can't negotiate on strategic sector supplies?
normal process is through tender negotiations can be held with the lowest
bidder. All our government dealings are procedural unless there is an emergency
where govt can deal directly with any supplier
If french govt is not involved, then it
will NOT be g2g . what are the benefits of dealing with government , apart from
procedural requirements?
is a private firm, but, its shares were once owned by govt. later transferred
to private. we are seeing french govt-defence deals with indian eye!! in west,
thanks to the WW1 and WW2, the line between the govt and defence companies
dissolves!! so, ever company which is manufacturing defence products have a MoU
with the govt. a complex MoU, that ensures that the interest of the govt and
the defence firm and taken care of.
for example: No defence company in the west can
participate in any tender without govt nod
what if a private company in france, supplies nuclear
submarine to the enemy of france?! get me?
same with USA. What is sikorsky, supplies heclicopter to
So, they have MoU, that regulates the operations of the
private companies. Same way, the private companies have the privilege of being
supported by the govt.
decision for one - Generally it comes bundled with lot of other items resulting
in a relationship building between countries
more thing - tenders may not always result in the 'cheapest' offer in case of
'cartels' being formed, it may result in escalation of prices too.
why negotiations are held with the lowest bidder
#2: ""Rafale deal shouldn’t have gone through a
global tender in the first place""- Defence Minister. What benefits
will bypassing the MMRCA deal which shortlisted Dassault as lowest bidder,
bring to our defence imports? Wasn't the process of tendering which was
followed earlier- crucial in making sure our import cost was the least?
he said that no tender for this? because, of the nature of the purchase.
do we tender something?
when the requirement is specific and stable.
When there are multiple persons ready to supply
the same.
When there is a possibility that, we can get a
better deal by tender, meaning, our requirement coming at competitive cost.
are these three things are answered positivey here? They are not!! Thats what
made the minister exclaim that way!
Why not sir, though I am not aware of how
many private defense firms participated in the tender, but surely the
requirement is specific?
requirement cant be stable! By the time the tender comes for finalisation,
technology would change! We would ask for a change that can alter the cost
significantly! Example: You tender a mobile phone puchase, and after 6 months,
you want it along with telegram applciation. But, then samsung says, it cant do
that with present chip. It will cost 30% more! Samsuang may say, that it cant
do that, as its system may collapse!! so, such purchases, where the technology
changes every 6 months cant be tendered so easily!!
not just teh cost. It may be integration! always remember, when u buy a
technical product, your requirement will change rapidly!!
Sir, but that's the nature of defense
purchases (cost and integration), if one were to follow the same logic- then
it'd be hard to justify any kind of tenders, wouldn't it?
so, more than 50% of the defence products are not tendered!! we buy directly!!
we tender the t-90 tanks? did we tender Virat purchase? Did we tender for
is a very technological driven sector. So, u cant keep a stable requirement!
Yoru req will change rapidly!! imagine the purchase of mobile phone!! How many
of us use the same mobile for more than 3 years???
Right sir, a tender on the other hand is
very specific down to the nut and bolt
tender has to be very very specific, so that we can compare the offers!!! if its not specific, one cant compare the offiers!!!
issue is: multiple persons to supply it! Now that our requiremet is not stable,
we can tweak it and make it closer to any company!! I can say that, I want a
beyond visibility radar, that only israel makes!!! That would bring 2 companies
in and 3 out!!! so, there is no real competition!!
there is no real competition, tenders fail!!
Thats what DM meant!
Sir, one more ancilliary question -
earlier it was supposed to be a deal
between HAL (on behalf of Indian Govt. ) and Dassault, and in that deal technology
transfer and manufacturing support from dassault was also covered, now, it is
not so, as they have commented that even if they transfer technology, still we
wont be able to produce the same quality MMRCA. What problems do we see coming
because of this for Indian technology market and defence future. Also by doing
this rules set of offset agreements are also not followed.
deals are highly comples. HAL has a restricted role of manufacturing and
servicing what is bought. The purchaser is IAF!!! Its like when you buy a car,
you may consult your mechanic, but, then you make the final call, not the
mechnic!! that is the difference!!! so, we have equal arguments for having the
deal g2g, instead of making it purely commerical. And regarding the performance,
lets not forget that IAF has approved it!!
#3: Can FDI liberalization be applied as one-size-fits-all
solution for opening up an hitherto investment starved sector and spurt growth,
irrespective of the peculiarities of each sector? Taking an example of FDI in
Defence, please help us understand the limitations of FDI as a tool for
self-reliance and indigenization."
which method will I get the right price?
is the question an exective faces while deciding to purchase an item
the executive decided 'tender' will give the right price (as in this case and
thats why the then govt went ahead with tender process) it will do so. But as
the process started unveiling, it ran into lengthy process of negotiations and
to an extent got proved that the decision of going for tender was in fact
say the tender worked out
there were competitive bids and our country got a good price, then the
situation would have been different. Considering that there was no emergency.
And there was to an extent competition as there were similar products
available. it should have looked the right procedure.
as time passed, the requirement became more emergent The competition failed as
the lowest bidder has himself quoted higher (than looks plausible - that too is
a judgement). With such being the case the decision of G to G started looking
attractive (the decision is still debatable).
sum up, it is a 'difficult' issue. Hence there is no clear 'right' or 'wrong'
Sir, context is- Immintent benefits of FDI
are always thought to be 1) Technological know how will come domestically and
2) More investment = More growth.
whereas the focus for defence has been
indigenization. Make in India on the other hand focuses mostly on dometic manufacturing.
That technology is being transferred locally isn't a prime mandate
My question is about contrasting mandates of FDI. FDI
usually brings in investment not technology (still highly debated). whereas our
focus in Defence sector is on indigenization. How far will FDI in defence go with that aim , is
my question
who said FDI dosnt bring technology?! any
sir, 49% ownership for the foreign company, he still wont own the enterprise. IP
is very crucial to strategic sector companies. Unless he is given charge of
absolute ownership, its difficult to see the pouring in of Defense companies in
is not realated to technology. why you assume so? HAL outsources 80% of its
requiremets from abroad! So, FDI may or may not brig tech. But, yes, the
current FDI trend is without tech. Manivannan, but, it may change.
need not have the view that any FOREIGN investment will always look to DEMOTE
domestic performance. Foreign investment comes only when the foreign investor
expects BETTER returns from the place he is investing.
is about indigenisation!
about this:
is not a leader in Science and tech. We file less patents. No nobel.
indigenisaion can be only a goal, that cant be achieved immediately. It has to
happen step by step!!
are a patient. You need to be back to normal and able to jog of your own. You
may do that one day! but, now, you need the crutch. So, use the FDI crutch now,
till u are able to walk on your own!
is required in all sectors, inlcuding defence.
may not be the 'panacea' for all ills but it is not a BAD pill too. you may not
get FDI some day when you cry for it now the environment is such that people
are interested in investing in our country. may be most are NRIs or other Asian
Investors who are looking for even less than 4% rate of returns.
So my followup to your analogy will be,
give me ayurvedic medicines or something of that sort along with FDI
(allopathy) so that I can recover faster
require many things. Good labour laws. Good judiciary. Good work force. And
good investment! If that comes thru FDI, why should i complain? Anyway, the
company cant be taken over, as 49% ceiling is there!!
Sir can you elaborate on why Technology is
NOT equal to ownership?
technology is no more confined to few companies in this flat world. Reverse
engineering is everwhere!
but I can sue you if you try and reverse
engg my IP protected by law. can't I?
unbelievable rate in which information is dissiminated is making the ownership
of technology difficult. Our whole
missile technology is reverse engineering!! you can sue only if its like
samsung and apple and that case ran in court for years!!
example of TV - Everybody knows the tech. Its about the cost of manufacturing! china
is capturing the world by technology or by cost? Investment and technology are
moving away from each other. I can have a technology and get investment! Infact
the growth of financial market independently, away from the manufacturing
sector is an evidence! Before the fall of berlin wall, financial market was
influenced by the manufacturing sector!! Manufacturng sector was still the
highest contributor to the GDP of nations!! no more!! Service sector has taken
over now!! That has made the financial sector almost independent!! Now, wealth
can be created, without production!!! Think of futures market!! So, money is
moving away from manufacturing and technology, though they will be always
connected to each other!
Sir, but my question had an assumption,
which I didn't clarify. In most of the high tech sectors, its not that we're
lacking capital it was that we're lackign technology too. So it was assumed
that for want of Tech, we'll get investments too. our value addition is abysmal
in high tech areas (eg- we use Aluminium to make utensils not Apple phone
I may want both pizza and a good
movie. But, I cant expect that one person will take me to movie and buy a
pizzza! Though its possible than same man may do both!
hence, I inferred that we as regulators and govt, are restricting a
person bringing both tech and capital. ONLy because he sees DDD (Demand,
Demography and democracy) and thus high returns in India
We are regulating, as we don't
want the 'outsider' to control an indian company!
There are certain type of
situations thrown by the technological developments
I am poor, but technology advanced
to an extent that I can purchase a mobile. I dont know about the technology
behind it but I will buy it and improve my efficiency.
Now I dont have money to start
producing mobile phones, hence my mobile phone prices stop receding. I get FDI
in that sector (without technology transfer too) but I end up improving my
efficiency become richer.
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