Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Why no Criminal Proceedings against Governor, Cognizable v/s Non Cognizable

Q) Governor, Regarding the arrest of governor- during his term of office is Governor is immune to criminal proceedings, he cannot be arrested or imprisoned. But civil proceedings can be instituted against him during his term of office by giving two months notice.
My question is Why only for civil cases, not for criminal?Even though criminal proceedings not instituted for personal acts?


o   An offence is called as cognizable, when the police officer can take 'cognizance' of the 'crime' and take further action. The further action, is most of the cases is to arrest the suspect

o   Non-cognizable means, an offence, which the police officer cannot take congnizance as an offence. He cn merely record the incident, and then report to the nearest Magistrate/judge. Then the court decides if that action amounts to a crime or not.

o   For example, when a govt servant demands a document from you, and you refsue to privide. It is an criminal offence. But, it can be taken cognizance only by a court, after hearing the details from the police.

o   Whereas, a murder is a cognizable offience, means, the police can himself/hrself come to an conclusion that its a crime and act accordingly.


o   The state charges a person, of an act which is deterimental to the state

o   if the dispute is between two individuals its a civil dispute!!

o   yes, state is represented by the governor, or the president. So, the governor or president can't book a case on themselves!!

o   Thats why criminal proceedinsg can't be initiated on head of the state!!

o   all the proceedings of individuals and state need not be criminal in nature!! But, all criminal proceeisngs are always bwteeen state and the individual!!

o   Criminal proceedings are subset of big set between govt and individuals!

FIR v/s Chargesheet

o   First information report, is when the police records any communication made to them on occurance of an offence.

o   Charge sheet is a formal complaint on the crime committed filed by the police before the court.

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