"North east
industrial and investment promotion policy"
Even after many years
passed after implementing the policy which had much more incentives for income
tax, excise duty - why the development is less in NE region? Does it mean that,
the policy promotion wasn't reached many people? Even though it is easy to
export to neighboring countries, why this scheme is not popularized and not
seen big achievements?
Any kind of under development, we can attribute list of
Geographically undulated topography and
isolation from rest of the country which makes many practical difficulties in
building basic infrastructures like road, railways, airports etc which is very
much basic for any area to develop.
Secondly law and order is given basic for
anything and everything. And it’s given for any society. We can survive a day
without food, but not without law and order. So it’s like breath and heart beat
for any society. That is also lacking die to ethnic clashes, insurgency,
illegal migration in a huge scale etc. And
Thirdly people in north east FEEL alienated from
the main land! It’s not true that they are alienated. But they FEEL that do not
belong to "one country". This sense of alienation is fuelled by their
under development. So this is a vicious cycle. Cause and consequence lead to
one another. Under development leads to more clashes. And more unrest again
leads to underdevelopment.
Basically they (NE people) are isolated in many senses. For
example consider media. How many reporters are reporting from Manipur,
Arunachal, and Mizoram etc. to national news? It’s not that news are lesser
there. It’s that media's presence is miniscule there.
The investors will also be looking for their proportional
gains to invest money. If they aren't going to get a considerable profit they
will not invest. NOBODY would like to invest for the sake of charity alone...
Not feeling to be under one country is one of the salient
point which reduces the initiative from the NE STATES
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